Thursday, February 19, 2009

Failed fried ice cream= Delicious fun

I enjoyed my late start on Thursday, woke up a little after 10 to do some internet before heading to Ballet. Class was fun, we are starting to do some turn work, or at least the start of turns, anywho. Fun stuff.:)

I came home wondering what I should do with the rest of the afternoon, when I noticed the flyer sitting on my bedside table- Oh yeah! I have dance club today! :)

LdM has 10 clubs that students can join, Cinema Club, Music Club, Sports Clubs, Slow-Drink Club, etc. The Dance Club meets once a month, and the school brings in local dance instructors to teach ethnic dances. FUN!

At today's meeting, the schedule said we were learning European dance. Rather broad topic, I thought. The instructor's name was claudio, and he taught us 5 dances from different parts of Europe. (which I will fix when he e-mails us the names and music, but this list is the best I can do from memory haha)

The first three were all chained or circle dances, with basic steps that were repeated over and over with a few variations. The last two were partnered dances, so some had to play boys (because no boys joined dance club surprisingly lol)

1. Trata- Greek islands
The Trata was a dance that is supposed to resemble fishermen pulling in the nets, so suffice it to say that the arm movements involved in it were slightly ridiculous. :)

2. ? - Bulgaria
I can't remember the name of the Bulgarian dance, but there was fancier footwork involved and a few jumps and kicks involved.

3. Ronde de ??- French Riviera
This one was admittedly a little boring. It was basically a side step and two heel digs repeated over and over, but with a jump thrown in here and there. And the music was really long. YAWN.

4. ??- England
Also can't remember the name of the English dance, but it reminded me of the dancing in Pride & Prejudice. So, I thought it was really fun. :) and it was cool because the way the dance worked, the couples rotated so that every "boy" danced with every girl.

5. Scottish- France
This one was a little confusing: It was originally a Scottish dance that the French also liked to dance, but then teh Scottish stopped dancing it and it turned into a French dance called the Scottish. Get all of that?

Dance club was really fun overall. Next month's meeting will be Italian dance, and the last one will be Arabic (I've heard rumors that this involved belly dancing, so that may be the end of gelato and nutella for me lol)

After dance club, I went back to the apartment to chill for a little, but instead was invited over to Brent and Brian's apartment! yay!

Little did I know, that I was being invited over to keep Brian company while we went to the laundromat to do Brent's laundry. WHAT?! I did not sign up for laundry. But then again, those two are so crazy, they make anything fun.

After laundry, we went back to the apartment for internet access for two reasons:
One, we wanted to make dessert and needed a recipe.
Two, we also wanted to take a trip together Easter weekend. yay!

Finally, we all settled on making fried ice cream. Brent promised it was really easy (famous last words, haha!). So we went to the grocery store to get the ingredients. Back at the apartment, we started making our dessert while Brian searched for flights and hostels, not finding much. I scooped the gelato and put the scoops in the freezer to harden. Brent crushed up cornflakes and mixed then with cinnamon and sugar. We took turns beating the egg whites, then Brent put it all together. All seemed to be going according to the plan, until we put them in the pan to fry them. I don't think anything actually fried, so much as got melty and gooey- needless to say, it didn't quite turn out as we expected. However, as misshapen and unappetizing as it looked, it was actually quite delicious! :) And we had a lot of fun in the process. Brian ended up really frustrated with trip-planning, so we decided to put our vacation on hold.

A little later than we all expected, the boys walked me back to my apartment. When I got back, Andrea and his friend Orlo had come to visit! So, Shannon, Marla, and I hung out with them for awhile before turning in for the night.
Tomorrow's plans are uncertain. Possible the Ferregamo Museum of shoes, but who knows? :)

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