Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ummm, do you have an appointment?

Wednesday, I started the day with a quiz in Italian. Italian isn't the best way to start a day, but oh well. Quiz went well, all is good...except for the threat of emily and i murdering our teacher, but no worries! haha!

After class, I went home and killed a little time (because it's better than killing my Italian teacher haha!) before my 1:00 Skype "appointment" with Mom. I talked with her for a good half hour, and then headed out to enjoy the sunshine.

Unfortunately, it wasn't quite as warm as the beautiful sunny day implied, but determined to spend as much of the day out of doors as possible, I threw on gloves and a scarf and headed out anyway.

First stop was to the Baptistery to take pictures of the doors, a promised.

The South Doors, created by Andrea Pisano (1336).

The North Doors, created by Lorenzo Ghiberti (1424) after winning the competition.

The Gates of Paradise, created by Lorenzo Ghiberti (1452) because he did such a good job on the North Doors. :)

After pictures, I had to make a quick trip to get a packet for my art class. Then, I wandered for awhile. I found the Hotel Monna Lisa, where my parents will be staying during their visit to Florence- it looks really nice and I think they're going to love it, but no pictures! I don't want to ruin the surprise for them! :)

I still had a few hours to kill before my next Skype "appointment" with Jackie, so I headed back to the apartment to consult my guidebook to see what I should do with the rest of my afternoon. I considered a trip to the Ufizzi or the Bargello museums, but decided instead to go check out the area where the Carnevale Festivities will be on Sunday. I checked the map and headed toward the Piazza de Ognissanti. Which turned out to be a cute little square between the Ognissanti church and the Arno. I hope this Carnevale thing is fun!

Unfortunately, this little field trip didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would, so after strolling down the Arno back towards my apartment, I decided to go back and change for a run. Which was lovely. :)


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