Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Best Food and Wine in Pienza and Montepulciano

Day 2 of our field trip "Under the Tuscan Sun" started with breakfast at the hotel (roomies and I had the first Nutella we had eaten in nearly a month! haha!) After breakfast, we got back on the bus for another ridiculously beautiful ride through the countryside.

There really wasn't that much to see or do in Pienza- a couple small churches. Nothing spectacular. But if I was ever in any danger of staying in Italy forever, it was in Pienza. The town is SOOOOO adorable! I can't even really describe it, and I didn't take that many pictures. But, if I were going to stay in Italy forever, I would want to stay somewhere like Pienza, but maybe that's just me going back to my small town roots! lol! :)

The weather was absolutely perfect, so Shannon, Marla, and I found a spot on the city wall, and just hung out and enjoyed the sunshine until it was time to get back on the bus to go to the farm.

We toured a farm way out in the middle of the Tuscan countryside (the bus couldn't even get us there- we had to meet up with the farmer and his son and they shuttled us from the bus out to their farm, lol!). We toured the farm, where they produce cheese and salami.

This picture is of our chaperone, Luca. He's quite a character to say the least. :)

And here's Shannon with a baby lamb! It was like 4 hours old. Just throwing that out there. :)

After the tour, we went inside to the farm's restaurant where we had lunch, which included a grain and bean "soup", a course of salami and cheese (both fresh and aged cheeses), and dessert (an apricot pastry and a piece of mystery cake).

After lunch, we got back on the bus and headed to Montepulciano for a tour of a wine cellar and a tasting. But, to be perfectly honest, I couldn't have cared less about Montepulciano, because on the way to the farm, Jackie had called to tell me she had safely arrived at my apartment in Florence! YAY! So, I spent pretty much the entire time in Montepulciano itching to get back to Florence. lol.

I really can't tell you much about the wine cellar we toured, because I was NOT paying attention, but here are a couple pictures!

After the tour, we tasted three of the house wines, and then it was back on the bus to Florence! I was exhausted from the weekend, and tried to sleep on the way home. But, of course, I was too excited! Oh well!

I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to see Jackie when I got back to apartment! I practically ran up the stairs to our apartment! Jackie and I went for a walk around Florence, enjoying the lovely evening. We went and sat down by the Arno while she told me all about her travel. It was SOOOOOOO great to have her here in Florence! I know this week will go WAY too fast!

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