Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jackie Week- Day 2

Again, classes dragged on FOREVER. Renaissance Art was interesting- we started talking about paintings today and visited Santa Maria Novella to see a couple of famous works. In Ballet, we watched part of Swan Lake, which was really good, but I was really tired, and the classical music was so relaxing, that I kept doing the fall-asleep-head-jerk.

After class, I came home and fixed lunch for Jackie and me, and we skyped with Mom for a little bit before heading out. The weather wasn't the greatest, so we decided to go to the Galleria dell'Accademia to see the David. Jackie LOVED the David. Understandable- he is pretty awesome! lol And of course, we had a blast making a ton of completely inappropriate jokes about David and his "rock solid" body. haha! ;)

After the gallery, we went to the San Lorenzo market to shop. Jackie wanted to get some souveniers and presents. Having Jackie here makes me really homesick! Going shopping at the market reminded me of going to Eastland with Jackie and NikkiKacy! I am having a GREAT time in Italy, but it made me miss ISU a lot! :(

After shopping, we headed home for dinner. We were really tired once again, so we stayed in and caught up on 3 months worth of Cosmopolitan magazines that we had missed during Christmas break and since I've been in Italy. Again, Cosmo night in Italy made me homesick for Cosmo nights on Atkin 6! :( I LOVE having Jackier here, but it makes me miss all of my other school friends!

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